Voice of Democracy/Patriots Pen/ Teacher of the Year National judges needed

- 3/12/2025

Carl Lambert

10:23 AM (6 hours ago)

to bcc: me

Carl Lambert
Department of Maine VFW

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Lynn Rolf <LRolf@vfw.org>
Date: Tue, Mar 11, 2025 at 10:48 AM
Subject: Voice of Democracy/Patriots Pen/ Teacher of the Year National judges needed

Team VFW and Auxiliary; I'm looking to add more judges for all three national programs.  Below are the links for each to sign up or nominate someone to be a judge. The first requirement is that a judge must possess the willingness & the ability to utilize our online VFW ScholarsApp portal. Training will be provided and available if selected.

Patriot's Pen Judge Questionnaire - Formstack


VOD Judge Questionnaire - Formstack


Teacher of Year Judge Questionnaire - Formstack

 Please share this far and wide much like the Buddy Poppy judges. Thanks for your support. Please direct all questions to me.

Lynn W. Rolf III

Programs Director
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States
406 W 34th Street, Kansas City, Missouri 64111
o:816.968.1116  C: 913.290.1754
to schedule a Teams meeting or phone call via https://calendly.com/lrolf