Team VFW and Auxiliary; I'm looking to add more judges for all three national programs.
As announced at last week’s National Council of Administration meeting in Crystal City, VA, attached to this email are the program parameters of the newly created Stars & Stripes Society donor recognition program.
The new VA Form 10-3542, (dated November 2024) is what you need to use moving forward as the previous form (dated November 2013) is now discontinued
The filing deadline is June 1, 2025, however, the Secretary of State encourages you to file your report by April 1, 2025, to avoid delays or inconveniences. You are receiving this email because this email address is associated with the above named entity from a previous online filing or an updated email address provided to our office.
Planned Giving initiative. The goal of these calls is to follow up on a recent Planned Giving mailing that recipients should have received, and to gauge whether they have already included the VFW in their estate plans or have an interest in doing so.
Newsletter for VBA
soliciting for NEW volunteer judges at National Convention to be judges for the Buddy Poppy display contest
Please see the attached for information on the VA Foster Home program and how to sign up. Please post this information in your Posts.
VFW National Home District Trustees hold a vital and prestigious position with a mandate to oversee, guide, promote and support the VFW National Home. The newly elected District 1 Trustee will serve with 11 other elected National Home District Trustees and 7 ex-officio Trustees that include the VFW Commander-in-Chief, the Adjutant General, the Quartermaster General, the National President, the National Secretary/Treasurer and the MOC/MOCA Supreme Commander and President.
Burial Eligibility to Include National Guard and Reservists for Maine Veterans’ Memorial Cemeteries
We will be releasing an official statement sometime tomorrow from the Veterans of Foreign Wars condemning this act of cowardice.
United States be displayed at half-staff for a period of 30 days from his passing. In addition
an incredible opportunity for all Veterans to receive medical care and wellness treatment at no cost to Veterans. The Department of Veterans Affairs' Foreign Medical Program is a benefit for all service-connected veterans.
termination letter with Tic Tok regarding the Veterans Voices initiative
“Once again, the hard work and dedication of our VFW accredited representatives shows in every single dollar that they recovered for the veterans, family members and survivors that VFW represents," said VFW National Commander Al Lipphardt. "This is another milestone in our 125-year history, and it was accomplished through their magnificent efforts."
Veterans and Community Connection Expo-University of Maine Orono January 11, 2024
Team, you will see the Day of Service requirement has been added to the Post dashboard. This will be updated by your VFW National HQs beginning shortly as we get the sign-ups from Posts. The requirement is for our posts to sign up for the VFW Day of Service. Last year we had about 250 posts signed up to participate. Let's shatter this # this year. We as VFW HQs will then upload weekly reports to give them credit. It will be assumed they have submitted their event after completion as a community service entry through your community service system.
Wreaths Across America itinerary has been released. This is the short version:
This is a friendly reminder about the Smart/Maher VFW National Citizenship Education Teacher Award Program.
This is a friendly reminder about the Public Servant Award Program.
The VFW joins nine fellow veteran-serving organizations on TikTok to connect with and rally support for veterans
Surplus Property (Maine Surplus Property) is trying to raise awareness about the opportunity for Veteran Service Organizations (VSOs)
Call for VFW National Awards Nominations Due March 31
VFW posts to get signed up to become a 125th Anniversary community
Just to clarify National All American State All State
Departments of Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, and Tennessee to disseminate information on the process for requesting Disaster Relief Assistance
National Chaplin is requesting Chaplin's email
VFW Post 4633