Our 13 member combined VFW (Post 5744) / AL (Post 79) Honor Guard provides military honors at funerals, memorial services, and other events. Ceremonies may include posting and retrieving the Colors (flags), folding and presenting the American flag (to families), three-volley gun salutes, and/or the playing of "Taps”.
Our Honor Guard could use another few members. Anyone wanting to join this group should speak with Honor Guard Captain, Dennis Ouellette at (207) 216-2158. Honor Guard practices are the first Monday of the month at 6:30 pm.

Requests for military honors at veteran funeral services should be made through your Funeral Director. You can alternatively contact our Honor Guard Captain, Dennis Ouellette, at (207) 216-2158 for advice.
Request for Color Guard (posting and retrieving the Colors only) or Honor Guard participation at other veteran honoring events (parades, school assemblies, and the like) should be made to the Post commander or the Honor Guard Captain as noted above.