VFW Post 5744 first mustered on February 26, 1946. The post has been instrumental in promoting nationalism and patriotism in the South Berwick area. In conjunction with American Legion "Charles S. Hatch” Post 79, Post 5744 maintains an Honor Guard to carry on the traditions of honoring the United States flag and to provide military honors at veteran funerals, memorial services, and celebrations of life. It provides information regarding veterans’ legislative issues. It has contributed to the creation of honorific veteran grounds, like Memorial Plaza and Cleary-Collier Park.
The post leads in observances of Memorial Day, Veterans’ Day, Flag Day, Loyalty Day, and National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day. It assures that suitable grave markers, wreaths, and flags of the United States are placed on the graves of deceased members. It provides services for the proper disposal of United States flags.
It maintains a Relief Fund to provide aid, assistance, relief, and comfort to needy or disabled veterans or members of the Armed Forces and their dependents, and the surviving spouses and orphans of deceased veterans. It provides donations to various community requests, including youth baseball programs, school band programs, and food insecurity programs. It contributes to the maintenance and expansion of the VFW National Home for Children.
The post promotes youth scholarships through the VFW Voice of Democracy audio-essay program, which provides high school students the unique opportunity to express themselves regarding a democratic and patriotic-themed recorded essay. It also encourages sixth through eighth grade students to enter the VFW Patriot’s Pen youth essay contest, with the same aim. It participates in the VFW’s Teacher-of-the-Year program. Post members attend and participate in Veterans’ Day programs at local schools.
Post funds come from various sources, like sponsorships, fundraising suppers, concession booth sales, 50/50 fundraising, and a donations "tollbooth” on an in-town street at which Buddy Poppies are handed out.
For more information about the VFW, click here.
For a VFW Fact Sheet, click here.