VFW Post 5744's programs promote Americanism, Nationalism, and Patriotism in our schools and community; sponsors various youth activities, like band, baseball, and scouting; provides scholarships for continuing education; and support Veterans in need. These programs are supported through fundraising and sponsorship. Following highlight some of our programs and fundraising projects:

Honoring Veterans

Placing American Flags on Veterans Graves

Every May, members of  Post 5744, assisted by Scouting BSA, place American Flags onto the markers of Veterans graves throughout South Berwick, including those at Boyd, Pleasant Hill, Portland Station, Vine Street, and Woodlawn Cemeteries. These Flags are subsequently retrieved (retired) in the middle of November.

Memorial Day

South Berwick Memorial Day Observance

Every Memorial Day, members of Post 5744, including its Honor Guard, muster downtown in South Berwick, along with Scouting America, Firefighters, the Marshwood High School Marching Band, a children’s bicycle ensemble, and local citizens for a parade and Memorial Day observance ceremony. The Post Commander is typically Master of Ceremonies for the observance.

Veterans Day

South Berwick Veterans Day Observance

The annual Veterans Day observance ceremony at the South Berwick Town Hall is typically well attended, with town administrators, members of Post 5744, town first responders, the Marshwood High School Band, other Veterans, and civilian guests. 

Pearl Harbor Day

National Pearl Harbor Rememberance Day

Members of Post 5744, other veterans, and visitors gather at the Counting House Park for National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day; to honor and remember the more than 3,500 dead or wounded during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. 

Patriotism Programs

School Assemblies in Honor of Veterans

Post 5744 consistently attends Patriotic School Assemblies, like the Third Grade Patriotic Concert at South Berwick's Central School, Marshwood Middle School Assembly "In Honor of our Veterans", and Marshwood Great Works School's Veteran's Day Assembly. These are truly wonderful programs!

Post Scholarship Program

Scholarships for Post Members' Children

Post 5744 gives out scholarships to the children and grandchildren of post members. In 2024, three $1000 scholarships were given out. Scholarships are given out in the memory of Robert "Gabby" Keith Place, a long-time post Historian.

Community Service Projects

Clean-up of Old Fields Burial Grounds

Post 5744 completes at least one Community Service Project every year. In 2024 in was clean-up of the Old Fields Burial Grounds (a.k.a. Vine Street Cemetery), which was in disarray following several damaging storms. This service project was completed with the help of Liberty Mutual "Torchbearers" and local volunteers.

Scouting America

Eagle Scout Court of Honor

Post 5744 has long advocated for Scouting America (Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts). The Post has supported Eagle Scout Projects and typically participates in the Eagle Scout "Court of Honor", where the Eagle Scout Award is presented.

Summer Barbeque Social

Post 5744 members, families, friends, and guests (potential new members) gather every August at the home of Mal Kenney for a Barbeque Social. Members try to have one or two social events every year.

South Berwick Strawberry Festival

Post 5744 maintains a strong presence at the South Berwick Strawberry Festival. Their key effort has been water sales; however, beginning in 2025 we will expand to food items and snacks. Out presence enables us to speak with veterans for recruitment purposes.

Concessions Fundraiser

Our concession sales tables give Post 5744 outstanding visibility within our communities, the opportunity to generate operating funds, and the opportunity to speak with veterans. These fundraising effort were effective at: South Berwick's Hot Summer Nights Concert Series; the First Federated Parish Fall Festival; Mill Fields Days in North Berwick; Sanford Sound's Annual Show and Shine Car Show; and South Berwick's Home for the Holidays festival.

Toll Booth Fundraiser

Distribution of Buddy Poppies

Post 5744 runs a "Toll Booth" fundraiser in early November to raise operational funds and to distribute buddy poppies - these red flowers being a tribute to fallen World War I veterans. "We pass these on - lest we forget."

No Once Does More For Veterans


Post 5744 holds various fundraising programs to generate operating funds. The more prominent of these are the Toll Road Fundraiser, 50/50 Multi-Draw Fundraiser, Concession Sales Fundraiser, Meeting 50/50 Raffles, and Sponsorship.